Overview of the initiatives
There are many committed neighbourhoods in the Südkiez district of Friedrichshain. The challenges in the neighbourhood are just as diverse as the solutions, ideas and visions of those active. Here you can find an overview to browse through. Perhaps there is an initiative that you would like to support.
Urban political initiatives
The active initiatives deal with various urban policy issues such as gentrification, displacement, traffic calming, urban development and many other important topics that affect the good life in the neighbourhood. In the list you will also find the websites of the groups and can find out about current events or contact them directly.
Berlin vs. Amazon
Introduction to the initiative
The “Berlin vs. Amazon” initiative is campaigning against Amazon moving into the large tower opposite the Warschauer Straße S-Bahn station in Friedrichshain. The alliance has 14 demands for the company. These include wage increases, shorter working hours and a stop to the surveillance of employees. The initiative is working closely with the trade union Verdi and is calling for solidarity actions when Amazon employees go on strike in favour of collective agreements.
The initiative welcomes all those who want to get involved against Amazon. Further information events are planned in various Berlin districts to make it clear why Amazon is not a good neighbour and why it makes sense to take a stand against the company.
The alliance wants to use the next few months to mobilise for the protest. The activists are aware of the challenge that the tower is almost finished. Nevertheless, they want to keep up the pressure and gain the broad support of the population.
Bürgergarten Laskerwiese
Introduction to the initiative
The “Laskerwiese” initiative is a neighbourhood garden in Friedrichshain, near Ostkreuz. It consists of a public green space with various activities and a neighbourhood garden with around 35 small plots.
In the neighbourhood garden, people from the surrounding area have the opportunity to garden themselves. They are free to choose from plots of around ten square metres in size. Many of the plots are looked after by small groups, families or flat-sharing communities, so that a total of around 100 gardeners are active in the association.
Joint gardening days offer space for exchange and mutual help, be it through workshops, seeds or advice on gardening.
As an association, the initiative not only looks after its own beds, but also the public park. They mow the lawn, prune the trees, plant flowers and ensure that it is kept tidy and clean. The model of neighbourhood garden and public park is unique in Berlin: the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg has given the initiative the entire area for its own maintenance and management as part of a cooperation agreement. This green oasis for the neighbourhood and the Rudolph and Laskerkiez districts is made possible by the voluntary work of the members.
Bürger*innen Initiative A100
Introduction to the initiative
The citizens’ initiative A100 is actively campaigning against the further construction of the urban motorway in Berlin. It strongly criticises the construction project and is working together with BUND Berlin e.V. and committed local citizens to prevent the climate-damaging motorway route. The planned 17th construction section of the A100 motorway would cut a concrete swathe through Friedrichshain and endanger valuable cultural sites, garden monuments and listed buildings. There are also high risks for neighbouring houses and residential areas. The costs for further construction are estimated at over one billion euros. Against the backdrop of the climate catastrophe and an urgently needed mobility turnaround, the initiative is committed to preserving Berlin as a city worth living in for people. It is asking for support for its activities in order to jointly achieve a sustainable transport infrastructure.
Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen Kiezteam F-Hain
Introduction to the initiative
The Friedrichshain neighbourhood team of the “Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co” campaign is committed to ensuring that Berlin does not become a playground for property companies.
The neighbourhood team is made up of committed tenants who have made it their mission to represent the interests of residents and fight for affordable housing. They organise regular meetings and working groups in which they discuss current problems and possible solutions.
Berlin has clearly decided in favour of socialisation, but the Senate refuses to effectively implement this wish. The initiative will not stand for this! They are now writing the socialisation law themselves. This will then be put to the vote in a new referendum.
This is your chance to be involved (again) and make history. Everyone is invited to join the DWE neighbourhood teams or working groups and fight to ensure that Berlin remains our home.
All of Friedrichshain is occupied by property sharks. All of Friedrichshain? No. A neighbourhood team made up of indomitable tenants will not stop resisting. Join in.
Introduction to the initiative
The “Freifunk” initiative is a voluntary and non-commercial organisation that is committed to providing free networks. Its main aim is to bridge the digital divide and democratise communication options for everyone.
By installing WLAN routers in various neighbourhoods, a free and independent network is created that enables the exchange of data within the Freifunk network.
This promotes the free flow of information and helps to strengthen local communities. The basic concept is based on a mesh network in which all routers communicate with each other and form their own wireless network. Participants can exchange data and access the global internet using a routing protocol. Anyone can join the Freifunk initiative by configuring their router accordingly and taking part in the meetings.
With Freifunk, a freer and more accessible communication infrastructure can be built together.
Kiezblock Modersohn
Introduction to the initiative
The “Modersohn Kiezblock” is a group of residents who are committed to keeping through traffic out of the neighbourhood. They want to distribute the existing public space, which has so far been tailored to cars, more fairly. Their vision is a Modersohn neighbourhood, consisting of the Rudolfkiez in the west and the Laskerkiez in the east, which offers liveable space for the people who live there. The play street in Danneckerstraße has already created an open space for neighbourhood residents that greatly improves the quality of life in the neighbourhood. Now further measures are to follow to create safe routes for pedestrians and cyclists in their neighbourhood. The Modersohn Kiezblock is particularly committed to safe crossings and crossings to the daycare centres and schools in their neighbourhood.
Kiezblock Ostkreuz
Introduction to the initiative
The “Ostkreuz-Kiezblock” is an initiative that is committed to improving the quality of life in its neighbourhood. Its main goal is to keep through traffic out of the neighbourhood in order to make the situation safer for pedestrians and cyclists. To this end, the initiative wants to create more space and improve traffic for all participants. Children and older people in particular should benefit from this, but the atmosphere in the entire neighbourhood should also change for the better. They work closely with other groups that are concerned with issues such as more greenery, less rubbish and social interaction. You can join them at any time and help to actively shape the Ostkreuz neighbourhood.
Niederbarnimstraße für Alle
Introduction to the initiative
The “Niederbarnimstraße für Alle” initiative is campaigning for a change in traffic policy in Niederbarnimstraße, which is currently characterised by traffic chaos and noise. One of the main problems is that too many spaces are reserved for cars, leaving cyclists and pedestrians without safe routes. The through traffic leads to daily stress.
The initiative aims to turn Niederbarnimstraße into a place for people to meet and socialise, where residents can feel at ease. The existing problems are to be tackled through joint campaigns and coordinated communication with the district government and the relevant authorities. Their aim is to improve the living conditions of the more than 1,000 people who live in the street.
The initiative wants to show that things can be done differently and that it is possible to tackle the existing problems. With their commitment, they can bring about positive change and make the street a pleasant place for everyone.
Omas for Future
Introduction to the initiative
The “Grannies for Future” initiative is a dedicated group of older people who are committed to a sustainable and fair future. The members, consisting of grannies, grandpas and women and men without grandchildren of their own, all have the common goal of a world that is “grandchild-friendly”.
Grannies for Future are part of the climate justice and environmental movement in Berlin and are guided by the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the recommendations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. They campaign for the protection of species and the environment and are committed to social justice.
The current report by the Club of Rome “Earth for All” emphasises the responsibility of the older generation for the state of the planet. The failure to take the warnings seriously earlier and to take appropriate action has led to the challenges we face today.
The Grannies for Future are convinced that young people need them now and are actively helping to shape change in our society. They seek to network with other Berlin initiatives, take part in demonstrations and climate strikes and want to make their voices heard.
In Friedrichshain, the “Grannies for Future” hold a vigil on Boxhagener Platz every 4th Saturday of the month between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm.
The initiative is looking forward to welcoming more supporters who would like to work together for a future worth living.
Ostkreuz Kiez für Alle
Introduction to the initiative
The “Ostkreuz Kiez für Alle” initiative is made up of neighbours who want to make life in their neighbourhood more pleasant. The group wants to actively change the neighbourhood instead of just being annoyed about problems such as noise, dirt and lack of space.
Issues such as increasing car traffic, polluted parks, a lack of social interaction and too few green spaces are just as much a focus for them as mobility, gentrification, tourism and urban planning.Concrete actions on their doorstep are a central component of their initiative.
The aim of “Ostkreuz Kiez für Alle” is to make their neighbourhood more beautiful for all residents and to respond to the concerns and needs of everyone.
To achieve improvements in Berlin’s Ostkreuz neighbourhood, they focus on listening, discussing, collecting ideas and solutions and submitting proposals from residents to district politicians.
In addition, they regularly organise joint campaigns to actively draw attention to the challenges in the neighbourhood. All interested parties are welcome to visit their website to find out about current developments and actively participate in the initiative.
Repair Cafés
Introduction to the initiative
There are two repair cafés in Friedrichshain. The cafés offer a cosy atmosphere where visitors can repair their broken items. From clothing and furniture to bicycles, various items can be repaired here. Experienced volunteers are on hand to help with the repairs and enable visitors to learn something new themselves. The Repair Cafés are free of charge and offer a sustainable alternative to the throwaway society, in which defective devices are often thrown away without any consideration for a possible repair. This gives the items a second chance and avoids unnecessary waste. What’s more, repairing things together is great fun.
The first Repair Café is located in Café Kommrum at Straßemannstraße 17 (with appointment booking: Online-Terminbuchung von Repaircafé Friedrichshain – 1. Terminauswahl (terminland.de))
The second Repair Café is located at Rigaer Straße 86 (every 1st Saturday of the month 14:00 – 17:00)
Samariter Superkiez
Introduction to the initiative
The initiative in Friedrichshain’s Samariterviertel district is committed to creating a more liveable and sustainable neighbourhood. Seven working groups have joined forces to work together on various topics.
The Zero Waste working group, for example, aims to develop and implement measures for waste avoidance and separation in the neighbourhood. Greenkiez is committed to greening the neighbourhood, while another group is campaigning for temporary play and meeting facilities in public spaces. The Traffic Calming Initiative is calling for a reduction in the volume of traffic and is also campaigning for greater road safety.
The initiatives “Untere Liebigstraße”, “Waldeyerstraße” and “Samariter-Kiezblock” are working on various projects for the design and use of streets and spaces in the neighbourhood.
Together, all the working groups and initiatives want to contribute to making Friedrichshain’s Samariter neighbourhood a liveable and sustainable neighbourhood.
Städtepartnerschaft San Rafael del Sur
Introduction to the initiative
The initiative to promote the town twinning between the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and the district of San Rafael del Sur in Nicaragua has been in existence for over 30 years. The association for the promotion of the town twinning, also known as “StäPa”, is committed to development policy projects in the partner municipality with various focal points.
The association’s activities are centred on two main areas: project work in San Rafael del Sur and activities in Berlin. In collaboration with the Centro de Desarrollo Rural (Centre for Rural Development, CEDRU), there is a long-standing and trusting cooperation to improve the living conditions of the local people.
An important principle of the organisation’s work is cooperation and partnership on an equal footing. Both the association and the local non-governmental organisation CEDRU decide together how the financial resources are used. The association pursues a holistic approach by organising training for the target groups in addition to infrastructural measures in order to achieve a sustainable impact.
In Berlin, the organisation is active in public relations and information work. It organises events to provide information about San Rafael del Sur and current social and political events in Nicaragua. The organisation also supports development education work in Berlin and tries to draw attention to the power gap between the Global North and South through sporting and cultural events.
Stadtteilbüro Friedrichshain
Introduction to the initiative
The Friedrichshain neighbourhood office is an initiative of committed people and groups. Since 2008, there has been a “contact point for information and citizen participation” in the premises of the former “Warschauer Straße affected persons’ representation”.
Every Monday and Thursday from 17:00 – 19:00, the neighbourhood office offers consultation hours for people who live, work or are involved in the neighbourhood. The district office is not an official communication platform of the district office, but sees itself as part of a living, self-determined suburban democracy in which civic engagement in the interests of the neighbourhood is important..
Friedrichshain is a neighbourhood with many young residents, rising rent costs and environmental pollution. The district office is committed to maintaining the quality of life in the district, combined with the promotion of neighbourhood and civic initiatives. The office offers premises at Warschauer Straße 23 to create practical opportunities for personal initiative. They are always looking for interested people who would like to get involved in the “contact point for information and citizen participation” or take part in thematic discussions.
The district office serves as an intermediate space for conflict and communication, in which the views and decisions of local political decision-makers meet the experiences and interests of the neighbourhoods.
There is always an imbalance in the balance of power between property rights and regulatory measures on the one hand and the need for translation services for alternative development options on the other. The neighbourhood office therefore sees itself as partisan in the sense of “citizen-democratic self-empowerment” in order to help shape the development of the social community.
Suppe & Mucke
Introduction to the initiative
The Suppe & Mucke initiative was launched in 2009 to organise the street festival of the same name in Friedrichshain. The festival takes place at a different location every year and aims to showcase and celebrate the socio-cultural diversity of the neighbourhood. Over music and soup, visitors have the opportunity to find out about local political issues and make contact with the participating projects, artists and neighbours. Other events are also organised and supported throughout the year.
The main objectives of “Suppe & Mucke e.V.” are to promote voluntary engagement in shaping one’s own living environment, to network political, social and cultural associations and projects, to stimulate local political discourse and alternative urban development processes and to take action against social inequalities as well as racism, anti-Semitism, sexism and other forms of marginalisation.
The association wants to give all residents easy access to the activities on offer and encourage them to contribute their interests and skills. The street festival thrives on participation and community involvement enables political, cultural and social self-realisation. To achieve this, young people and young adults are involved in the planning and implementation of the festival in order to jointly create a colourful street festival that reflects the diversity of Friedrichshain.
Weberwiese Milieu sind wir
Introduction to the initiative
The “Weberwiese Milieu sind wir” initiative consists of tenants in a listed building complex in the Weberwiese neighbourhood conservation area in Berlin Friedrichshain. There are 35 staircases with a total of almost 500 flats in which hundreds of tenants live, some of whom have lived there since the buildings were built in 1954.
Since 2012, the buildings have been successively converted into condominiums. The neighbourhood protection area came into force in August 2016.
The initiative is concerned that the repairs that have been carried out on the buildings only serve to market the flats better, while the needs of the tenants are being ignored. Although the façades and stairwells have been renovated in line with listed building standards, the electrics and bathrooms remain unrenovated. Some flats have already been let or sold to third-party companies, and many tenants have difficulty finding comparable housing in Berlin.
The building complex has a particular social significance, as it was originally intended to offer a good standard of housing at affordable prices. The majority of residents are still dependent on affordable housing. The initiative is therefore calling on the state of Berlin and the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg to fulfil their social responsibility and preserve affordable housing for tenants.
“Weberwiese Milieu sind wir” is committed to preserving their home and their neighbourhood and appeals to politicians and the public sector to help them do so. They are looking for public financing models and are in dialogue with the owners to find joint solutions that serve the common good.
Wem gehört der Laskerkiez
Introduction to the initiative
The “Who owns the Laskerkiez?” initiative was founded in spring 2021 by local residents, cultural workers and tradespeople to combat the displacement of long-established businesses and cultural institutions by external investors and property companies.
The Laskerkiez neighbourhood is facing gentrification and the loss of its local identity. The aim of the initiative is to preserve the Laskerkiez neighbourhood as a lively and affordable place where people can enjoy living, working and raising their children.
They are therefore campaigning for affordable housing that meets the long-term needs of residents instead of pursuing short-term profit interests.
The initiative has already achieved successes, such as the eviction of an investor from Corinthstraße 56, after drawing attention to itself with rallies, demonstrations and media presence.
“Who owns Laskerkiez?” develops ideas together and brings them to the attention of the public and politicians. Their work is not yet complete. All interested parties are invited to join the initiative and stand up together for a lively and fair neighbourhood.